Supporters & partners
We are happy to work with so many incredible organisations and individuals. Together we hope to create better access and inclusivity for people with disability.
Why partner with us?
We are a Victorian non-for-profit charity committed to creating change that values improved choice, access and participation for people with disability who want to take part in sport and recreation.
A partnership or sponsorship with DSR is ideal for organisations, businesses or individuals that want to:
Align themselves with a long-standing and trusted Victorian charity
Build a more engaged, loyal and inclusive workplace
Position and commit themselves to supporting Victorians with disability to get active
Contribute to societal change that will forge a better future for everyone
Whether your goals are related to brand awareness, corporate social responsibility or employee engagement, we will work with you to tailor a partnership that has the desired outcomes.
Our supporters and partners
DSR are thankful to work with so many incredible organisations, businesses and individuals. Together, we aim to create better access and inclusivity for people with disability.