I hope all of our members and supporters have been able to stay safe during the most recent COVID lockdown period. Whilst we’re all incredibly excited to start to open back up so we can get back to the lives that we enjoy, there are still some conditions we need to consider to ensure the well-being of all of our community.
We encourage all Victorians to get vaccinated if possible and continue to follow the Victorian Government’s guidelines so that we can put the appropriate measures in place to help keep our community safe, especially as DSR looks forward to embarking on a big month ahead that features three major events.
As Victoria opens up again we are looking to honour, celebrate and recognise outstanding people within the Victorian disability sport & recreation community at our annual VDSR Awards taking place on Tuesday 23 November at PwC Southbank.
DSR also looks forward to hosting our 40th Annual General Meeting for members which will be held online on Thursday 25 November by zoom. Attendance is voluntary, but we would love to share our 2020-2021 annual report with you and update you on our progress over the last year while also taking a sneak peek at some big initiatives and developments for 2022. Look out for the email to be sent to members which will include more details and further instructions on how to register to attend.
Finally, preparations are well underway as we look to hosting our annual Victorian DSR Festival on Friday 3 December, International Day for People with Disability. After the online version in 2020 due to COVID restrictions, we’re very pleased to be returning to Crown Riverwalk, with registrations now open for potential exhibitors. We hope to see you there to discover new opportunities to become active for people with disability!
Thank you so much to all our donors, supporters and partners who have made these and other events and programs possible as we continue to support enhanced choice, access and participation for people with disability in sport and recreation.