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Update from the CEO: July 2022

Richard Amon

Welcome to another edition of Vortex featuring many wonderful examples of our work supporting people with disability towards greater choice, access and participation in sport and recreation.

It’s been wonderful to see so many DSR programs (and others that we are involved with) in operation as we wrap up the 2021/2022 year and start 2022/2023 with some significant outcomes.

This edition features many highlights including:

  • the conclusion of season 1 / 2022 of the Protect Victorian Wheelchair Rugby Cup.

  • Our Protect Victorian teams participating in the national wheelchair rugby championships in the Gold Coast.

  • The DSR Kids winter camp at Falls Creek.

  • Nominations open for the annual Victorian Disability Sport & Recreation Awards

  • Opportunities to join the team at DSR with two new roles on offer as we also farewell Jason Lees who has been our wheelchair rugby co-ordinator for nearly seven years.

  • Building project update as we get closer to moving back to our spiritual home in our 60th year with a redeveloped Kevin Coombs House that will create many opportunities for an expansion of our work and greater collaboration amongst the sector.

  • The outcome of our June tax appeal campaign.

I’m pleased to advise that our Disability Advisory Committee met recently and we also facilitated the first meeting towards a new alliance of organisations working collaboratively towards shared outcomes supporting Victorian with disability to become more active.

It was also great to see disability participation in sport and recreation highlighted in many sessions at the recent National Sports Convention in Melbourne, of which DSR was a collaborator. It’s now very clear that any type of movement provides enormous benefits and that there is strong consensus that people with disability shouldn’t be left behind. However, while the ‘why’ seemed well understood, much more work is required to advance the capacity of the sector in the ‘how’.

It certainly is a busy and exciting time at DSR with these projects and many others progressing behind the scenes with further details to be released in coming months.

I hope you enjoy this edition and can find opportunities to get moving, despite the winter weather!

Yours in good health



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