“As the awareness around inclusive sport and recreation grows, so too does the number of programs and initiatives supporting Victorians with disability to get active.” said Disability Sport & Recreation CEO, Richard Amon.
“Our sector is made up of many humble people, who quietly go about volunteering, coaching and supporting people with disability so they can live healthy, active lives.
“Together, these individuals, organisations and clubs are making tremendous, positive change in the lives of people with disability.
“We strongly encourage everyone to consider those people who are making a quiet, but significant impact in their communities and acknowledge their contribution by nominating them for an award.
The outstanding achievement on the sporting field will also be considered including the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic games held in late 2021.”
Nominations for the 2022 VDSR Awards are for achievements, initiatives, programs, activities and developments that took place between July 2021 and June 2022.
Nominations open on Monday 11 July and close on Wednesday August 31.
To submit your nomination, go onto our Awards page and click on your chosen category.
Help us discover the notable champions and rising stars of our sector and celebrate what is great about accessible and inclusive sport
Awards page URL: https://www.dsr.org.au/vdsr-awards