We are seeking up to 8 people with disability to be part of our Advisory Committee to provide input, feedback and consult on various Disability Sport & Recreation (DSR) projects, programs, and initiatives using their expertise and own lived experience of disability.
This Advisory Committee aims to be an inclusive, intersectional and core part of DSR. We want to help make sure the work DSR does, is by people with disability, for people with disability.
The Advisory Committee will be comprised of a diverse group of people with disability who have experience and expertise across a range of different areas - with and without connection to sport and recreation.
Who can apply?
You can apply if you identify as having a disability, including chronic health conditions, disabling chronic illness, being Blind or Low vision, being Deaf or Hard of Hearing (HoH), neurodiverse (i.e. Autistic) and/or have mental health disability (i.e. psychosocial disability)
We will support any accessibility needs that members may have.
Advisory Committee members will meet (virtually and/or in person), up to 6 times a year and will be called upon, when required, to provide expert advice or consult on various DSR projects, programs, initiatives, content, design and accessibility. Non-Victorian residents will participate in an online/virtual basis only.
The initial term of the committee will be 1 year (12 months). All Advisory Committee members will be paid for their involvement in meetings and consultations (if required). More detailed information and specifics about the Disability Advisory Committee can be found in the Terms of Reference (TOR), Application Form, Group Agreement and Code of Conduct documents below. The documents are available in Word, Accessible Text PDF and Easy English/Easy Read format.
Updated: Applications close at midnight (11:59pm) on Wednesday 10 November 2021
To apply online, click here or download a suitable Application Form below.
If you would like to submit the application form in another format, such as by video or over the phone, please contact the Phoenix Project Manager / Disability Advisory Committee Chair & Manager, Akii Ngo via akii.ngo@dsr.org.au or on 0469 850 928 during business hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday. Email, video call, standard phone call, voice memo, SMS or another method of communication that suits your access needs are also welcome.
![[Image ID: Akii is an Asian person with bright pink wavy hair. Akii is smiling with teeth showing, side to the camera, is wearing some make up, red lipstick and has their right hand sitting on their neck. Akii is wearing a pleather jacket and a dark blue deep patterned top]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6abbe8_fb72af47b46945cbae96d769ee9fe32f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_200,h_200,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/6abbe8_fb72af47b46945cbae96d769ee9fe32f~mv2.png)
Akii (they/them) is a proud non-binary, LGBTIQA+ person of colour, from a refugee background who lives with various disabilities and chronic illnesses. They would be happy to chat with you and answer any questions.
Please do not hesitate to reach out!
[Image ID: Akii is an Asian person with bright pink wavy hair. Akii is smiling with teeth showing, side to the camera, is wearing some make up, red lipstick and has their right hand sitting on their neck. Akii is wearing a pleather jacket and a dark blue deep patterned top]
Please note: this DSR website is currently being upgraded and is not fully accessible. We are working to prioritise best practice accessibility standards and accessibility features.